The Jubilation Mass by Don Robertson by Don Robertson
Part One - Kyrie
For the Kyrie of the Jubilation Mass, I have set the traditional text:
Part 1 - Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy)
Part 2 - Christe eleison (Christ have mercy)
Part 3 - Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy)
Two ancient Gregorian melodies are employed in the Kyrie. The first is the melody Kyrie magnae Deus potentiae, loosely interpreted by muted strings near the beginning of the first Kyrie section at rehearsal letter A in the score:
The second Gregorian Kyrie melody that I used is one of the most beautiful and famous, the Kyrie of the Angels (De Angelis), a melody previously adopted by another American composer, Norman Dello Joio, in his third piano sonata. I have used this extraordinarily beautiful melody in its entirety as the basis of Part 3, the repeat of the Kyrie Eleison text:
Incidentally, Christe, or Christ, was not the last name of the Master Jesus as many people assume, but is the English translation of the Greek word Χριστ?ς, or Christós. It means the Anointed One. It was used originally as a translation for Messiah.